Dodatkowe słownictwo z piosenek

Extra Vocabulary from Songs

Valentine's Day edition

Written on 2021/02/11

Originally I had written this as an optional lesson, but what better way to get my blog started than writing this outside of the scope of Duolingo. So, Valentine's Day is near and we should learn some concepts from the poetic lyrics that are around and see if we can be more romantic in Polish.

By the way, in case you’ve been listening to my Music in Polish playlist or my Polish practice and faves playlist just as me, or have played Witcher, now you know a few words from the dedication song at the home page! Also a few other words I learned from songs in my playlist, which I think are good to know for now, so I’ll list them here too. You can skip this sub-chapter if you want, but I think it'll be quite useful! Specially around this year's Valentine's Day 💖. So here's the full song for reference.

So in the song Wilcza Zamieć, we can see the chorus:

We can see underlined words we know. Moich is just a declension of mój. But why not just check out the words around them to study a bit more. So we know jak..? is how..? But it can also be used to say as or like. Example: Czerwone jak róż - red like a rose, red as a rose Now there’s a few adjectives we can learn from this verse:

Mokry wet, moist
Cierpki sour
Słodki sweet

Now this one is important, we can use it for food, for smells, or for people. People can be sweet, or cute, and we call them słodki. Moja dziewczyna, jesteś słodka - My girlfriend, you’re cute/sweet

Singular - Liczba pojedyncza Plural - Liczba mnoga
Polish English Polish English
Sen Dream Sny Dreams*
Lok Curl, lock of hair Loki Curls, locks of hair
Oko Eye Oczy Eyes
Łza Tear Łzy Tears*

*Łez and Snów are in dopełniacz, genitive case.

Or we can compliment their eyes! Or say we dream of them.

Kocham twoje oczy I love your eyes
Jesteś w moich snach You are in my dreams

And two verbs, one of which I think is pretty important to get what you want:

English verb

po angielsku

Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba mnoga
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
Ja Ty On/Ona/
My Wy Oni/One/To
To want chcieć chcę chcesz chce chcemy chcecie chcą
To dream śnić śnię śnisz śni śnimy śnicie śnią

You can now ask (very colloquially) someone Chcesz herbatę? - Do you want tea? Or, if very childlike, you can now ask for something! Chcę ciasteczka! - I want cookies! Now let’s see another line of the song, which contains a very useful word:

Singular - Liczba pojedyncza Plural - Liczba mnoga
Polish English Polish English
Serce Heart Serca Hearts

And from a different song in my favorites playlist, Bez Znieczulenia from Happysad:

Teraz Now
Chore Sick or hurting
Singular - Liczba pojedyncza Plural - Liczba mnoga
Polish English Polish English
Zamieć Storm, blizzard (Also in the witcher song and title)
Chmura Cloud Chmury Clouds
Głowa Head Głowy Heads

Now, as a bit of extra material, I've run into a few infographics made by, which I thought would be very fitting in this blog as well. They have a whole article with these infographics about Valentine's Day and explanations, so I only post a few as examples, but go check them out by all means! They also have a podcast lesson about Valentine's Day so check it out.

Well that's all for the extra material for now! Make sure to check out the playlists and practice plenty. Singing is a good way to check your pronunciation and to see if you can pronounce the words to the tempo of the song without falling behind! This can be hard with a few of the stronger polish consonants, but keep trying and it will be easier with time.