Podstawy języka polskiego 1

Polish basics 1

Vocabulary - Słownictwo

Pronouns 1 : Singular - Zaimki 1: Liczba pojedyncza

First let’s focus on the singular pronouns.

In English
Po angielsku
In Spanish
Po hiszpańsku

Liczba pojedyncza
1 osoba Ja I Yo
2 osoba Ty You Tu
3 osoba (♂) On He El
3 osoba (♀) Ona She Ella
3 osoba (⚲) Ono (To) * It Eso

Liczba mnoga
1 osoba My We Nosotros
2 osoba Wy You Ustedes
3 osoba (♂) Oni They Ellos
3 osoba (♀) One They Ellas
3 osoba (⚲) One (To) * They Esos

*Ono means it, but it is barely used at all. Most sentences in neuter gender would be using To (this/these)

Nouns - Rzeczowniki

When searching a noun in the dictionary, you might want to know the gender of the word, in order to use inflections for the noun itself or adjectives tied to the noun correctly. When looking it up in a dictionary, you might see the following words for indicating the gender (rodzaj):

Genders - Rodzaj

Male Męski
Female Żeński
Neuter Nijaki

For now these are enough, but later on you’ll run into a few more and I’ll list them here for consistency.

Male Personal Męskoosobowy
nmp. Non-Male Personal Niemęskoosobowy
Male Animate Męski żywotny
Male Inanimate Męski nieżywotny

Now, the explanations for these are also done later as well, when Duolingo actually introduces them, but if you’re lost in this guide and scrolled here for reference, I’ll write it down. Male personal is whatever male noun that is also a human. From there we can tell, non-male personal, is when a noun is anything BUT a male human. For example, “man” is male personal, but “woman” and “water” are both non-male personal. Male animate is whatever male noun that is male and also an animate object. Dogs, and boys for example. There are a few grammatical exceptions where an object will not be animate in real life but grammatically it somehow comes magically to life. Likewise for inanimate objects.

Nominative - Mianownik

Now let’s revise the lessons vocabulary:

In Polish
Po polsku
In English
Po angielsku
Mężczyzna Man
Kobieta Woman
Chłopiec Boy (little boy, child)
Dziewczynka Girl (little girl, child)
Chleb Bread
Woda Water
Jabłko Apple
Mleko Milk

Verbs - Czasowniki

Present tense - Czas Teraźniejszy

In polish, verbs are conjugated, changing for each pronoun. This means the subject could be implied and it’s not necessary to write it most of the time if context is enough. In duolingo, the verbs are conjugated already, but it’s hard to look for them in the dictionary without knowing their un-conjugated form (bezokolicznik). It’s easy to search it from English, however: I just write “to be”, “to eat”, etc. On Google Translate, and then I get the dictionary form. From there, it is easy to look it up in a dictionary and see all the verb’s conjugations. This lesson had three verbs.

English verb

po angielsku

Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba mnoga
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
Ja Ty On/Ona/
My Wy Oni/One/To
to be być jestem jesteś jest jesteśmy jesteście
drink pić piję pijesz pije pijemy pijecie piją
eat jeść jem jesz je jemy jecie jedzą

Basic grammar 1 - Podstawowa gramatyka 1

Present tense - Czas teraźniejszy

Present tense in polish can represent both simple present and gerund present in English:

Dziewczynka je jabłko The girl eats an apple.
Dziewczynka je jabłko The girl is eating an apple.

There’s also no articles like a, the, an, etc. So as long as it is singular, it’s an apple, and if the sentence is in plural, it’s several apples.

Grammatical cases - Odmiana przypadek

In polish, nouns are inflected depending on the case they are being applied to in a sentence. If you want to search for the cases of a word in a dictionary, you should look to the table labeled: Odmiana przypadek. For now, we use these three basic cases:

Nominative Case - Mianownik

https://mowicpopolsku.com/polish-grammar/cases/nominative/ The nominative case (mianownik) is the case that all the words are in the dictionary. One could say it's their "default" form, from which they are then modified for other declensions. For now the simplest rule for nominative is, does it answer the following questions?

Co to jest? What is it?
Kto to jest? Who is it?
For example - Na przykład
To jest jabłko This is an apple.
To jest chleb This is bread.
To jest dziewczynka This is a girl.
To jest chłopiec This is a boy.

The phrase “To jest” means “This is”, and everything that has “To jest” and a single noun or adjective, will be in nominative.

Accusative Case - Biernik

https://mowicpopolsku.com/polish-grammar/cases/accusative/ The direct object - what is being affected by the verb? For female nouns, most of them follow this rule: Ends with a, Changes into ę aę

Woda: Piję wodę I drink water
Herbata: Lubię herbatę I like tea

For masculine nouns, there’s no particular rule, but they can change into their genitive (dopełniacz) form or stay in their nominative (mianownik) forms.

Chłopiec: Widzą chłopca I see a boy
Chleb: Jem chleb I eat bread.

For neuter nouns, there’s no change, they stay in nominative (mianownik) form.

Mleko: Dziewczynka pije mleko The girl drinks milk.
Jabłko: Chłopiec je jabłko The boy is eating an apple.

Instrumental Case - Narzędnik

https://mowicpopolsku.com/polish-grammar/cases/instrumental/ Something is defined as being something else. For both masculine personal and femenine, if it ends with a, it changes into ą aą

Mężczyzna : On jest mężczyzną He is a man.
Kobieta: Jestem kobietą I’m a woman.
Dziewczynka: Ona jest dziewczynką She is a girl.

For masculine, if it has ie diphthong at the final syllable, the ie is deleted and em is added to the end ieem Chłopiec: On jest chłopcem - He is a boy.

Conjunctions (and) - Koniunkcje (i)

And (i) works pretty similarly to and in English and y in Spanish.

Piję mleko i wodę I drink milk and water.
On je chleb i pije wodę He eats bread and drinks water.