

Colors! This lesson is not only about color vocabulary, but about accusative and genitive declensions of adjectives and plural nouns.

Vocabulary - Słownictwo

Adjectives - Przymiotniki

Po Polsku In English
Czarny Black
Szary Gray
Biały White
Czerwony Red
Pomarańczowy Orange
Żółty Yellow
Zielony Green
Niebieski Blue
Fioletowy Violet
Różowy Pink
Brązowy Brown
Kolorowy Colorful
Złoty * Golden *
Niedojrzały ** Green, immature, unripe, raw **

* Not in the lesson, but interesting. It also is the name of the national coin of Poland. ** Not in the lesson, but someone taught me this one. Many fruits are green when they are unripe, and so these two concepts coincide in Polish. As a note, they also do in Spanish and Japanese (well, except in Japanese they say blue for this concept).

Nouns - Rzeczowniki

We only saw the noun for colors in this lesson, but reading about them I found a few more interesting ones, so why not study them here:

Singular - Liczba pojedyncza Plural - Liczba mnoga
Polish English Polish English
Kolor Color Kolory Colors
Róż Rose Róże Roses
Pink comes from rose: Róż → Różowy
Niebo Sky, Heaven N/A
Blue comes from the sky: Niebo → Niebieski
Fiołek Violet (flower) Fiołki Violets
Violet also comes from violet: Fiołek → Fioletowy
Pomarańcza Orange (fruit) Pomarańcze Oranges (fruits)
You can imagine this one: Pomarańcza → Pomarańczowy
Złoty Polish currency Złote Plural Polish currency
Złoto Gold N/A N/A
It’s both a noun and an adjective. Gold, golden. Plus it’s the national currency unit

Here’s a little joke appropriate for this lesson: There’s no such thing as bieskie by the way, niebieskie comes from niebo, like we said before, but it’s funny so i put it here.

Now, same as in English, there’s some colors that define varieties of food, such as

Białe wino White wine
Czerwone wino Red wine
Białe mięso White meat (chicken, fish, etc.)
Czerwone mięso Red meat (pork, beef, etc.)

And when we use the colors as nouns, they always stay masculine: Biały i czerwony to kolory - White and red are colors

Now let’s see some examples from Duolingo exercises:
Singular Masculine
Ten ptak jest zielony This bird is green
Pomarańczowy kot An orange cat
Mały różowy but A small pink shoe
Jej szary pies pije wodę Her gray dog is drinking water
Moja mama ma fioletowy kapelusz My mom has a violet hat
Płaszcz tego chłopca jest kolorowy This boy’s overcoat is colorful
(genitive possessive for the noun, but not the adjective)
Jego żona nosi czarny płaszcz His wife wears a black overcoat
(this is in accusative, but płaszcz is an inanimate male noun, so it stays the same)

Singular Feminine
Czarna mysz pije wodę A black mouse is drinking water
Biała sukienka A white dress
Jej bluza jest kolorowa Her sweatshirt is colorful
Szara ryba A gray fish
To jest pomarańczowa ryba This is an orange fish
Jej czapka jest brązowa Her cap is brown
Twoja mała różowa spódnica Your small pink skirt
Twoja córka nosi różową koszulę Your daughter wears a pink shirt (Remember accusative)
Ta kurtka nie jest zielona This jacket is not green
Wasza bluza jest niebieska, moja jest żółta Your sweatshirt is blue, mine is yellow

Singular Neuter
Jabłko jest czerwone The apple is red
Mój wujek pije czerwone wino My uncle is drinking red wine

Plural Non-masculine-personal
Noszę czarne spodnie I wear black trousers
Mam stare czarne ubrania I have old black clothes.
Żółte owoce są smaczne Yellow fruits are tasty
Twoje skarpety są fioletowe Your socks are violet
Moja babcia nosi różowe skarpety My grandmother wears pink socks
Noszę szare majtki i pomarańczowe skarpety I wear gray panties and orange socks
Żółte spodnie i niebieskie buty Yellow trousers and blue shoes
(the -k ending consonant makes it -ie instead of -e)

Brązowa mysz je żółty ser A brown mouse is eating yellow cheese

Genitive Plural - Liczba mnoga dopełniacz

We’ve been seeing a lot of genitive sentences lately. For example when an accusative gets negated, or for some verbs that take the genitive case always. However we haven’t seen many plural examples, and this lesson introduces them pretty suddenly: On nie ma niebieskich butów - He doesn’t have blue shoes. Now, we will see about the adjectives in the following subsection, but for now let’s focus on the noun. “Buty - Butów” You can read more about plural nouns in Genitive here: https://mowicpopolsku.com/polish-grammar/cases/genitive/#noun-plural

Masculine plural nouns

Without getting complicated, there’s only two rules that matter for now:

Hard ending consonant masculine nouns in Genitive have the ending -ów.

Following the usual rules (for example removing -ie before the last consonant, like in pies), we add the ending -ów. We could for example replace the ending for nominative plural and replace it, if it helps to visualize.

Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
ptak ptaki ptaków
pies psy psów
dom domy domów
kot koty kotów
Soft ending consonant masculine nouns in Genitive have the ending -i. Nouns ending in -sz and -cz end in -y.

It also works for plural nouns without singular that end in -nie.

Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
koń konie koni
słoń słonie słoni
kapelusz kapelusze kapeluszy
spodnie spodni

Neuter plural nouns

Most neuter nouns have no ending in the genitive form.

They drop the vowel at the end (-o or -e) and if after removing there are equivalent sounds for soft consonants like -ni, it is replaced by its corresponding consonant -ń.

Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
śniadanie śniadania śniadań
wino wina win
mięso mięsa mięs
ubranie ubrania ubrań
Neuter nouns ending in -ko or -ło receive -e before the end consonant.

If after the removal of -o “kn” remains, it becomes -kien. Also works for plural nouns without singular that end in -ki.

Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
jajko jajka jajek
ciasteczko ciasteczka ciasteczek
jabłko jabłka jabłek
majtki majtek


Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
dziecko dzieci dzieci
Neuter nouns ending in -ę replace ending with -ąt.
Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
zwierzę zwierzęta zwierząt

Femenine plural nouns and Masculine personal -a nouns

Most feminine nouns have no ending in the genitive form. Nouns ending in -ka receive -e before the end consonant.

Similar to the neuter, the vowel -a is dropped. Soft endings such as -ni also get replaced with their equivalent, such as -ń. Similar to neuter, -ka endings get replaced with -ek.

Nominative Singular Nominative Plural Genitive Plural
kobieta kobiety kobiet
mężczyzna mężczyźni mężczyzn
dziewczynka dziewczynki dziewczynek

Genitive Adjectives - Przymiotniki Dopełniające

We saw a complete table of declensions for adjectives before in this notebook, but let's take a refresher for the genitive case specifically. You can see a full table with the suffixes of other cases here: https://mowicpopolsku.com/polish-grammar/word-classes/adjectives/#declension Or here: https://www.clozemaster.com/blog/polish-adjectives/ For now let’s focus on the accusative and genitive, as per this lesson.

Singular - Liczba Pojedyncza Plural - Liczba Mnoga
Masuline (animated) Other genders
NominativeMianownik -y/-i -a -(i)e -i -(i)e
-(i)e =Genitive
Genitive -(i)ego -(i)ej -(i)ego -ych/ich

Now, remember the accusative for masculine nouns gets split into mimicking Genitive for Male animate nouns and staying in Nominative for Male inanimate nouns, which is why accusative is also in this lesson. Also remember, the difference between -y and -i, or -ych/-ich and so on is from the consonant at the end (-k and -g get -i and the others get -y).

Let’s see some examples:

Remember sentences can be Genitive because of negative accusative.

Singular Masculine nouns
Twój syn nie nosi białego kapelusza Your son does not wear a white hat
On nie nosi pomarańczowego kapelusza He does not wear an orange hat

Singular Feminine nouns
Ta kobieta nie nosi żółtej kurtki This woman doesn’t wear a yellow jacket
On nie widzi zielonej sukienki He does not see the green dress.
Nie noszę fioletowej sukienki I do not wear the violet dress

Singular Neuter nouns
Nie lubisz czerwonego mięsa You do not like red meat
Ona nie pije białego wina She does not drink white wine

Plural Masculine
On nie ma niebieskich butów He doesn’t have blue shoes.
Nie mamy zielonych owoców We don’t have green fruit

Plural Feminine
Nie masz czarnych skarpet You don’t have black socks
Nie lubimy kolorowych koszul We do not like colorful shirts

Plural Neutral
Nie mamy żółtych zwierząt We don’t have yellow animals
On nie je zielonych jabłek He does not eat green apples

Extra material from songs

Now up to now we've seen plenty of grammar and vocabulary. If you saw the dedication in my home page, you know that I've also been listening to songs to try and apply this new knowledge. I realized I understood quite a bit more after this lesson, so I made a new extra lesson / blog post with extra vocabulary from the songs I listen to. If you're interested, you could go to the lesson using the red button below, or skip to the next Duolingo lesson, "Questions".