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Possessive Pronouns

Ahh possessive pronouns… My cat, your cat, his cat… Possessive pronouns determine who the subject of the sentence belongs to, while also only referring to the owner only by their pronoun. Clozemaster has a nice guide for this, but I will make a table in this notebook as well. The guide is at the link below: And below is a table with the possessive pronouns in Nominative.

Possessive Pronouns in Nominative

Of the Owner Singular
Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba Mnoga
Of the Noun Person
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
English My Your Her His / Their Our Your Their
Liczba pojedyncza
♂ Męski
Mój Twój Jej Jego Nasz Wasz Ich
⚲ Nijaki
Moje Twoje Nasze Wasze
♀ Żeński
Moja Twoja Nasza Wasza
Liczba Mnoga
♂ Male Personal
♂ Męski osobowy
Moi Twoi Jej Jego Nasi Wasi Ich
Non-male personal
Moje Twoje Nasze Wasze

The way the possessive pronoun will change depends on the Object it’s acting upon. For example, “This is my cat”. Cat - Kot is masculine, so my will be mój. “To jest mój kot”. The gender of the owner in this case doesn’t change the inflection, but it changes which word to use when saying his or her, same as in English. For example “His cat - Jego kot”, “her cat - jej kot”. But it doesn’t matter, say, for the phrase “our cat” if the group of people is composed of men or women.

Practice exercises - Ćwiczyć ćwiczenia
Male Singular
Mój kot jest mały My cat is small
Twój koń je ciasteczka Your horse is eating cookies
Jej kot jest dobry Her cat is good
Jego słoń jest duży His elephant is big ;)
Nasz kot kocha jedzenie Our cat loves food
Nasz duży słoń Our big elephant
Wasz pies je mięso Your (pl) dog is eating meat.
To jest wasz pies This is your (pl) dog.
Ich pies je mięso Their dog is eating meat.
Female Singular
Moja kaczka jest smaczna My duck is tasty
Twoja kawa Your coffee
Jej herbata jest nowa Her tea is new
Jego mysz jest mała His mouse is small
Nasza ryba nosi koszulę Our fish wears a shirt (Duolingo, am I right?)
Wasza kaczka je śniadanie Your duck is eating breakfast
Ich kaczka lubi wodę Their duck likes water.
Neuter Singular
Moje mięso jest dobre My meat is good
Twoje wino nie jest dobre Your wine is not good
Jej wino jest dobre Her wine is good
Jego dziecko jest złe His child is angry
To jest wasze śniadanie This is your (pl) breakfast
Wasze dziecko pije mleko Your child is drinking milk
Nasze jabłko jest duże Our apple is big
Ich dziecko je ser Their child is eating cheese
Male Personal Plural
Moi mężczyźni jedzą kolację My men are eating dinner
Moi ludzie mają wino My people have wine
Twoi chłopcy jest dobrzy Your boys are good
Wasi chłopcy mówią po angielsku Your boys speak English.
Wasi ludzie są źli Your people are bad.
Nasi mężczyźni jedzą ciasteczka Our men are eating cookies.
Non-male personal Plural
Moje kobiety jedzą obiad My women are eating lunch
Twoje ciasteczka są smaczne Your cookies are tasty
Twoje dziewczynki Your daughters
Nasze pomidory są dobre Our tomatoes are good
Wasze dzieci lubią ciasteczka Your children like cookies

Unchanging Pronouns

Finally Duolingo introduces cheekily this example: Mam jej psa - I have her dog But isn't this in accusative? You might ask, and indeed it is. But it's the only accusative Duolingo will give us up to now. That's because three pronouns in Polish are pretty stable no matter the conjugation and if you look at the table in the previous section you might have noticed.

Jej Her
Jego His
Ich Their

These three pronouns stay the same throughout all cases, and so you only need to memorize them in this form. Isn't that great?