

Vocabulary - Słownictwo

Nouns - Rzeczowniki

Singular - Liczba pojedyncza Plural - Liczba mnoga
Polish English Polish English
Portfel Wallet Portfele Wallets
Klucz Key Klucze Keys
Komórka Cellphone Komórki Cellphones
Parasol Umbrella Parasole Umbrellas
Rzecz Thing Rzeczy Things
pl. nmp. Okulary Glasses (for seeing)
Torba Bag Torby Bags
Kosz Basket Kosze Baskets
Pudełko Box Pudełka Boxes
Parts of a house
Pokój Room Pokoje Rooms
Podłoga Floor Podłogi Floors
Ściana Wall Ściany Walls
Sufit Ceiling Sufity Ceiligns
Dach Roof Dachy Roofs
Okno Window Okna Windows
pl. nmp. Drzwi Door (doors)
Stół Table Stoły Tables
Krzesło Chair Krzesła Chairs
Biurko Desk Biurka Desks
Sofa Sofa Sofy Sofas
Dywan Rug Dywany Rugs
Fotel Armchair Fotele Armchairs
Lampa Lamp Lampy Lamps
Łóżko Bed Łóżka Beds
Prześcieradło Bedsheet Prześcieradła Bedsheets
Koc Blanket Koce Blankets
Poduszka Pillow Poduszki Pillows
Szafa Wardrobe Szafy Wardrobes
Kuchenka Stove (for cooking) Kuchenki Stoves / Cookers
Lodówka Refrigerator Lodówki Refrigerators
Patelnia Frying pan Patelnie Frying pans
Miska Bowl Miski Bowls
Talerz Plate
(the object, not food)
Talerze Plates
(the objects, not the food)
Łyżka Spoon Łyżki Spoons
Widelec Fork Widelce Forks
Nóż Knife Noże Knives
Szklanka Glass (for drinking) Szklanki Glasses (for drinking)
Kubek Cup / Mug Kubki Cups / Mugs
Butelka Bottle Butelki Bottles
Wanna Bathtub Wanny Bathtubs
Prysznic Shower Prysznice Showers
Gąbka Sponge Gąbki Sponges
Mydło Soap Mydła Soaps
Szczoteczka do zębów Toothbrush Szczoteczki do zębów Toothbrushes
Pasta do zębów Toothpaste Pasty do zębów Toothpastes
Golarka Razor (shaving) Golarki Razors (shaving)
Basen Swimming pool Baseny Swimming pools
Flaga Flag Flagi Flags
Dzwon Bell (large) Dzwony Bells (large)
Dzwonek Bell (small) / Ringtone Dzwonki Bells (small) / Ringtones
Czasopismo Magazine Czasopisma Magazines
Gazeta Newspaper Gazety Newspapers
Książka Book Książki Books
Papier Paper
Kartka (papieru) Sheet (of paper) Kartki (papieru) Sheets (of paper)
pl. nmp. Nożyczki Scissors
Electronics and Devices
Maszyna Machine / Engine Maszyny Machines / Engines
Bateria Battery Baterie Batteries
Telefon Phone Telefony Phones
Komórka Cellphone Komórki Cellphones
Komputer Computer Komputery Computers
Ekran Screen Ekrany Screens
Telewizor Television set Telewizory TV sets
Radio Radio (apparatus) Radia Radios (apparatuses)
Zegar Clock Zegary Clocks
Zegarek Watch Zegarki Watches
Rzecz Thing Rzeczy Things
Przedmiot Item Przedmioty Items
Kawałek Piece / Chunk / Bit Kawałki Pieces / Chunks / Bits
Extra vocabulary from a comment:

Pościel : Bed Sheets Set, includes :

Poszewka na poduszkę Pillowcase
Poszwa na kołdrę Duvet cover
Poszwa na pierzynę Quilt cover
Kołdra Duvet
Pierzyna Thick duvet (quilt with feathers)
Fun note about czasopismo - magazine:

Czas = time Pismo = writing

So it’s a writing about the current time!

More extra words from a comment:

Slice of tomato: Plasterek pomidora

Funny example I saw on Duolingo:
Dlaczego mój ekran jest niebieski? Why is my screen blue? (wouldn’t we all want to know)

Verbs - Czasownik

There’s only one new verb in this lesson. It goes a bit unseen, so it’s easy to miss it, but here it is:

English verb

po angielsku

Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba mnoga
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
Ja Ty On/Ona/
My Wy Oni/One/To
To show pokazywać pokazuję pokazujesz pokazuje pukazujemy pokazujecie pokazują
Pokazujesz twój zegarek You are showing your watch
On pokazuje dywan He is showing a rug

Grammar - Gramatyka

This lesson also focuses on new grammatical uses for cases we already know. For example, why is the instrumental case called that? Well, because it’s used to declare an instrument used for an action. A tool!

Instrumental for tools! - Narzędnik dla narzędzi!

We see lots of new objects in this lesson, with many of them being tools, or instruments, with which we can perform verbs.

Czy on je zupę widelcem? Is he eating soup with a fork?
Kroimy chleb nożem We are cutting the bread with a knife
Jem zupę łyżką I am eating soup with a spoon (like a normal person :P )
Piszę książkę komputerem I am writing a book with a computer

Notice that in English, we have a preposition “with” to describe the same situation, but in Polish, since the case is already doing this, there’s no necessity.

More uses for Genitive - Dopełniacz

Genitive for containers containing

We saw before that genitive is used for possessive X of Y. But we can also use it for containers, X of Y.

For example - Na przykład:
Piję szklankę wody I am drinking a glass of water
Miska zupy A bowl of soup
Kubek kawy A cup of coffee
Kubek herbaty A cup of tea
Kartka papieru A sheet of paper
Kawałek jabłka A piece of apple

The genitive applies to the content of the container. But if the container is also subject to declension, it can look something like this:

On potrzebuje szklanki wody He needs a glass of water

Potrzebować takes genitive, so szklanka is in genitive, and then the water is also in genitive because of being a “glass of water”.

Genitive for questions to describe

Some questions in this lesson expand on the use of Jaki, the descriptive question. It doesn’t make complete sense in English, but we can see that some questions ask something “of” something else. Genitive is used in these cases.

Jakiego koloru jest ten przedmiot? What color is this object? ( of what color is this object)
Ten przedmiot jest koloru brązowego This object is (the color of ) brown
Jakiego koloru są twoje ściany? What is the color of your walls

For example, when talking about what is the color of some object.

Jakich drzwi szukacie? What door are you looking for? (what kind of door)

Some others are less obvious. For example in English we would ask “which door are you looking for?”. But in Polish it implies that we know all the options of doors available. The word Jakich asks for what door regardless if we know about it or not.

Genitive possessive pronouns

Now, we already know that possessive is used with genitive, but this lesson focuses on this topic a bit more. It also fully uses the Genitive possessive pronouns that were only slightly seen in the Present 3 lesson. Here are some examples from the current lesson:
To koce mojego brata These are my brother's blankets
To fotel naszego dziadka This is our grandpa's armchair
To lodówka moich rodziców This is my parent's refrigerator
To jest szczoteczka do zębów mojej córki This is my daughter's tootbrush
Szukam mojej komórki I am looking for my cellphone
The new uses that we didn't see in Present 3 are plural possessive moich and feminine singular mojej . I already made a table for these genitive possessive pronouns in Present 3 , so I'll copy and paste it here.
Of the Owner Singular
Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba Mnoga
Of the Noun Person
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
English My Your Her His / Their Our Your Their
Liczba pojedyncza
♂ Męski
Mojego Twojego Jej Jego Naszego Waszego Ich
⚲ Nijaki
Mojego Twojego Naszego Waszego
♀ Żeński
Mojej Twojej Naszej Waszej
Liczba Mnoga
♂ Male Personal
♂ Męski osobowy
Moich Twoich Jej Jego Naszych Waszych Ich
Non-male personal
Moich Twoich Naszych Waszych

Preposition "Do" (for / to)

We had already used the preposition "do" using genitive (dopełniacz) in a previous lesson to mean "to":

Idę do szkoły I am going to school

The new example is a useful phrase now that we know the word for it:

Idzie do łóżka Going to bed

Which as in English, it means going to sleep.
Same as in English, it can also have a sexual meaning if used to go to bed with someone .
Like let’s say: Idziemy do łóżka - We are going to bed. So be careful how to use this one.

Then the new use that is introduced in this lesson is for “for”:

For example - Na przykład
Pasta do zębów Toothpaste (paste for teeth)
Szczoteczka do zębów Toothbrush (brush for teeth)
Klucz do drzwi Door key (key for a door) (it’s in genitive but remains unchanged)

Difficult genitives

Now, this lesson I had lots of trouble with some of the genitive cases. It’s all rules that we have already seen, but somehow I keep forgetting. So here are some of the ones that were hard for me.

English Nominative Genitive

Plural ending in -ie
Frying pans Patelnie Patelni
Batteries Baterie Baterii (Which is also the genitive singular! )

Plural neutral
Magazines Czasopisma Czasopism

Plural male
Showers Prysznice Pryszniców

Male ending in -ek
Watch Zegarek Zegarka

Female ending in -ka
Plural ending in -ki
Scissors Nożyczki Nożyczek
Pillows Poduszki Poduszek
Glasses Szklanki Szklanek
Sheets (of paper) Kartki Kartek

Useful phrases

Szukam mojego portfela I’m looking for my wallet
Czy to twój portfel? Is this your wallet?
Torba czy pudełko? Bag or box? (probably at the register)
Biorę prysznic I am taking a shower
Łyżka czy widelec? A fork or a spoon?

Difficult phrases

Czyja jest ta kartka papieru? = Czyja to (jest) kartka papieru?

This one was confusing in the grammatical sentence structure. It either misses the jest and gets replaced with “to”, or it uses “ta” but the jest cannot disappear, which was my mistake many times.