Język Polski

Polish Language

Duolingo Polish Updates and Blog

In this page I'll post progress updates on the Google Docs and this website, as well as maybe make posts about interesting things I find while learning Polish, or other materials different to Duolingo.

Blog Posts

I plan on making blog posts and linking them here. Some will be about new vocabulary I learned from outside Duolingo, like songs and music, and others about interesting things I've learned from interacting with Polish people.
2021/02/11 My first blog entry! I was supposed to make it as a sub-lesson but well, it fits so well with this season of the year! Why, with a few of the songs on my playlist and a bit of vocabulary here and there, we can get pretty romantic in Polish now! Check it out!


2021/01/25 I'm making more and more progress to get this website up to date with the Google Docs. Today I finished uploading all the lessons before the Checkpoint 2 on Duolingo! The lessons in the Google Docs are still at the same place than before.
2020-12-23 This website is looking more and more complete! Today I uploaded all of the lessons before Checkpoint 1 on Duolingo. The lessons in the Google Docs are complete until Household items, past Checkpoint 2.
2020/12/03 I've been busy with my PhD and lots is going on with my mental health recently, but I got a breather and finally updated and added what I was still studying, which was the Time and Household lessons. I have also decided to make this a website instead of a Google Docs, now that it's getting long and slow to update. It's not ready yet, but soon I'll replace it with the website version. Looking forward to it!
2020/07/14 Added Present 3 lesson.
2020/06/24 I finished the Questions lesson! This means that I'm finally catching up to where I'm actually on when taking the lessons. Next is Present 3.
2020/06/19 I finished the Colors lesson! It also touches on Genitive plural of nouns and adjectives, so check it out. I also added an extra lesson (not in duolingo) based on stuff I got from listening to songs in Polish<. Also, I changed the icon for Neuter nouns so that you can copy paste the icon and search for all the neuter nouns easier (only doable with male and female nouns before). Next is questions and oh boy... there's a lot to unpack.
2020/06/09 I finished the Family lesson! And so we finally get to Checkpoint 2!
2020/06/03 I finished the Present 2 lesson
2020/06/02 I finished the Pronouns 1 lesson. It's a bit harder from this point on so I'm taking my time to write everything down.
2020/05/13 I finished the Possession lesson. I technically advanced more than that but I haven't had the time to paste it into the notebook. However I'm always taking screenshots of Duolingo lessons to take notes in the future.
2020/03/13 I added the Negation lesson, which also adds the genitive demonstrative pronouns. I'm thankful for Jellei's negation guide here: https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/28545847/Everything-I-hope-that-you-need-to-know-about-Polish-negations
2020/03/12 I added the Present 1 lesson! This introduces the genitive nouns and adjectives as well.
2020/03/11 I forgot all about demonstrative pronouns in plural! So now I added them, plus I continued on to the Clothing section. I'm not sure if I'm done with it yet or not. I added a few references to genders (Masculine personal, non-masculine personal, etc.) at the beginning of the first lessons to help with people searching things in the dictionary.
2020/03/10 I finally finished the Plurals section! I added the Instrumental case for Plurals, and I also realized while doing this, that I never formally introduced the Nominative case in singulars, so I modified the first lesson grammar section to include it. Because nominative is the "default", I think I overlooked it when taking notes.
2020/03/09 I finally uploaded the Plurals! Although only Nominative and Accusative. I was very busy since last time and it was difficult from a couple of new concepts like the Masculine personal and Non-masculine personal. I think following this, I will have a chance to follow up with the next lessons faster, hopefully. Next I will add a section on Instrumental case for plural.
2019/11/07 I finished the lesson for Adjectives.
2019/11/05 I finished the lesson for Demonstrating. Minor corrections to previous sections.
2019/11/01 I finished the lesson for Definitions. I added an Introduction where I explain the tools I use besides Duolingo. Minor corrections to the previous sections.
2019/10/31 I finished the lesson for Food. There were some corrections and additions to the main text as well, such as explaining verbs and their dictionary forms in their first appearance in the Basics 1 lesson.