

Negation Basics - Podstawy Negacji

The time has come for negative sentences! The first thing we notice is, very basically speaking, we just have to put “Nie” into the sentence for it to become negative. But we have to be careful: “Nie” always comes before the thing we want to negate. In most cases right now, we want to negate the verb of the sentence. Nie + Verb.

Nie noszę koszuli I do not wear a shirt
To nie jest pies This is not a dog

We have seen an exception in definitions X to Y / X to nie Y. It doesn’t really have a verb.

Lew to kot A lion is a cat.
Jabłko to nie zwierzę An apple is not an animal

It is as if it had some invisible 'jest': "Lew to [jest/] kot", "Jabłko to nie [jest/] zwierzę". So we could say that anyway you negate the invisible być in there. Now you may have noticed that “Nie noszę koszuli” is a bit odd. There’s a -i there, so it means… it’s in genitive? How could it be? Does it mean all negations are in genitive? Not really. Apparently a lot of misconceptions around this course prompted Jellei, the Duolingo Polish course contributor/moderator, to make a guide for negation. It is really comprehensive and helpful even in future lessons, I think, so I will link to it below: The rule is: If a verb that takes Accusative in a declarative sentence gets negated, its object takes Genitive instead. Only Accusative changes its case to Genitive. The other cases just stay the same.

For example - Na przykład
Mamy koszulę We have a shirt Accusative Singular
Nie mamy koszuli We do not have a shirt Negative Genitive Singular
Widzimy kawę We see coffee Accusative Singular
Nie widzimy kawy We do not see coffee Negative Genitive Singular
To jest dom This is a house Nominative Singular
To nie jest dom This is not a house Negative Nominative Singular
Jestem kobietą I am a woman Instrumental Singular
Nie jestem kobietą I am not a woman Negative Instrumental Singular

Genitive Demonstrative Pronouns

Now we saw most rules for Genitive in the previous lesson, but Duolingo doesn’t introduce the genitive demonstrative pronouns until this lesson, so I’ll put it here. Below is a table for the demonstrative pronouns in genitive (dopełniacz).

Singular - Liczba pojedyncza

Genitive - Dopełniacz
Distance to the
person speaking

Demonstrative Pronoun

Zaimek wskazujący
Closer to the person

x ---> y
♂ Męski - Male tego
⚲ Nijaki - Neuter tego
♀ Żeński - Female tej
Farther from the person

x -----------> y
♂ Męski - Male tamtego
⚲ Nijaki - Neuter tamtego
♀ Żeński - Female tamtej
For example - Na przykład
Nie lubię tamtej kobiety I don’t like that woman Genitive Feminine
Ta kobieta nie lubi tamtej kawy This woman doesn’t like that coffee. Genitive Feminine
Nie widzę tego psa I don’t see this dog Genitive Masculine
Nie widzę tamtego mężczyzny I don’t see that man. Genitive Masculine
Nie widzę tego dziecka I don’t see this child Genitive Neuter
Nie lubię tego ciasteczka I don’t like this cookie Genitive Neuter
For example - Na przykład
Mali chłopcy nie lubią zupy Little boys don’t like soup
Nie widzę kobiety I don’t see the woman
Nie widzę dziewczynki I don’t see the girl
Oni nie słyszą konia They don’t hear the horse.
Nie słyszę tamtego kota I don’t hear that cat