

Vocabulary - Słownictwo

Nouns - Rzeczowniki

Singular - Liczba pojedyncza Plural - Liczba mnoga
Polish English Polish English
KapeluszHat (with a brim)KapeluszeHats (with brims)
CzapkaCap (wool or baseball)CzapkiCaps
SkarpetkaSock (but cute)*SkarpetkiSocks (socksies)
pl. nmp.SpodnieTrousers
pl. nmp.MajtkiUnderwear, panties, underpants

We notice that we have our first non-masculine personal nouns that are so just by default. These are nouns that are hardly ever used in singular. Have you heard of a single trouser? Most likely you always wear a pair of trousers, or a pair of panties, not a single panty. So in the same fashion, these words aren’t particularly feminine or neuter, just… non-masculine personal. By the way, since ubrania is neuter and not nmp. you might wonder “what is the singular of clothes?” And the answer to that would be ubranie - a single outfit. Not that it is in this lesson but I thought it interesting. * We have seen words like this before, and it’s another topic of Polish grammar. How to make things tiny or cute. It’s not this lesson’s content, but I’ll put it as just a little note, in case in the future other words like this might appear in Duolingo. If you have studied Spanish before this would be easy to understand, but here’s a few examples:

Dziewczyna - Girl (teen) Dziewczynka - Little girl
Ciasto - Cake Ciasteczka - Cookie
Skarpety - Socks Skarpetki - Socksies
Herbata - Tea (actual tea leaves) Herbatka - Tea (anything that’s an infusion, including tea)

Verbs - Czasowniki

Present tense - Czas Teraźniejszy
English verb

po angielsku

Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba mnoga
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
Ja Ty On/Ona/
My Wy Oni/One/To
wear nosić noszę nosisz nosi nosimy nosicie noszą

(Nosić - To wear) is always in Present Simple. This means someone “wears pants” as in, it is a thing they do often, but it is not in Present Continuous, as in, they might not be currently “wearing pants” right now as of this moment. This is the difference between “wears” and “is wearing”. As with other verbs we’ve seen before, whatever the subject is wearing will be in accusative.

Practice exercises - Ćwiczyć ćwiczenia
Mali ludzie noszą małe ubrania Small people wear small clothes.
To jest but This is a shoe
Te ubrania są stare These clothes are old
Dziewczynka nosi sukienki The girl wears dresses
Nosisz sukienkę You wear a dress
Chłopcy noszą kurtki The boy wears jackets
Wy nosicie małe czapki You wear small caps
Ona nosi czapkę She wears a cap
Ona ma nowe majtki She has new panties* (remember plural nmp. adjectives end in -e.)
On nosi stare spodnie He wears old trousers* (remember plural nmp. adjectives end in -e.)