Czas Teraźniejszy 1

Present 1

Vocabulary - Słownictwo

Nouns - Rzeczowniki

In Polish
Po polsku
In English
Po angielsku
Dom Home, or House
Szkoła School
Książka Book
List Letter (the ones you send on the post office)
Głos Voice
pl. ♂ Głosy Voices

Prepositions - Przyimki

Do - To As in: Idę do szkoły - I am going to school

Verbs - Czasowniki

Present tense - Czas Teraźniejszy

This lesson is very verb intensive, since it’s the lesson for the present tense. So buckle up for a few new and useful verbs:

English verb

po angielsku

Liczba pojedyncza
Liczba mnoga
1 os. 2 os. 3 os. 1 os. 2 os. 3 os.
Ja Ty On/Ona/
My Wy Oni/One/To
To go/
to walk
chodzić chodzę chodzisz chodzi chodzimy chodzicie chodzą
To be going/
iść idę idziesz idzie idziemy idziecie idą
To see widzieć widzę widzisz widzi widzimy widzicie widzą
To love kochać kocham kochasz kocha kochamy kochajcie kochają
To know znać znam znasz zna znamy znacie znają
To write pisać piszę piszesz pisze piszemy piszecie piszą
To hear słyszeć słyszę słyszysz słyszy słyszymy słyszycie słyszą

Now here’s this lesson’s most confusing point. There’s a subtle difference between the two verbs, but once explained, it should be clear. The verb chodzić means “to go” , but more precisely, it means “to go always, often, to attend”. It is close to Present Simple in English where the verb would always be “go” and not “going. On the other hand iść means “to be going”. This means that whoever is the subject is currently moving, in the present time. Chodzić - To go (in general, as a habit, not in the present), or to walk. Present Simple Iść - To be going, or to be walking, in the present time, currently. Present Continuous

For example - Na przykład
Chodzisz do domu You walk home (as a habit, daily perhaps)
Idziemy do domu We are going home (right now)
Chodzisz do szkoły? Do you go to school? (or rather, do you attend school?)
Idę do szkoły I am going / walking to school (right now, i am on my way to school)
Ja chodzę I walk (habitually)
Ty i ja idziemy We are walking / we are going on foot

Genitive - Dopełniacz

You might have noticed but, consider the sentence Duolingo presented us with:

Chodzisz do domu You walk home (as a habit, daily perhaps)
Idę do szkoły I am going / walking to school (right now, i am on my way to school)

That -u and -y endings are something we haven’t seen before. It is a new grammatical case (odmiana przypadek) called Genitive (dopełniacz). It is used in general to answer the question “whose?”, but also after certain verbs, prepositions, to count, among other uses. Here’s a complete guide to the genitive case: In this lesson, we are looking at the preposition “do”, which means “to”. In the above examples, “Idę do szkoły” has a clear english translation: “I am going to school”. However in the case of “Chodzisz do domu” - “You walk home” there would be an implied “to” in English that has to be used explicitly in Polish: “you walk to (your) home”, perhaps would work.

Genitive Singular Nouns As usual, the endings are different depending on the gender of the noun.

Animate Masculine - Rodzaj Męski Żywotny

All animate masculine nouns in Genitive have the ending -a.

Animate masculine (both people and animals) end in -a. If it doesn’t have a vowel it’s just added at the end:

Kot Kota
Animate Masculines with diphthong ie

If it has -ie before the last consonant, it is removed and -a is added at the end.

Chłopiec Chłopca
Pies Psa
Animate Masculines ending with -ś, -ć, -ń, -ź

If it ends in a soft consonant, replace with their phonological match (, , , to -si, -ci, -ni, -zi) and -a is added at the end.

Koń Konia
Exceptions: Personal Masculine nouns ending with -a follow Female rules

(for example: Mężczyzna)

Inanimate Masculine - Rodzaj Męski Nieżywotny

Most inanimate masculine nouns in Genitive have the ending -u.
Dom Domu
Obiad Obiadu

Some inanimate objects behave like animate objects grammatically. Remember our friend the tomato? Bread is also his friend as well. There is no specific rule for this so… I don’t know how to help...

Chleb Chleba
Pomidor Pomidora

Neuter - Rodzaj Nijaki

All neuter nouns in Genitive have the ending -a.
Dziecko Dziecka
Jabłko Jabłka
Exception: neuter nouns ending in -ę

neuter nouns ending in -ę get the ending -ta.

Zwierzę Zwierzęta

Feminine - Rodzaj Żeński

Feminine and Masculine personal ending with -a

For both masculine personal and femenine, if it ends with a, it changes into y

Szkoła Szkoły
Mężczyzna Mężczyzny
Kobieta Kobiety
Feminine and Masculine personal ending with -ka, -ga, ć, ź, l

For feminine nouns with -ka or -ga, the -y is replaced with -i. For ć and ź, the phonological match (ci, zi) replaces them.

Dziewczynka Dziewczynki
Złość Złości
Koszula Koszuli

Practice exercises - Ćwiczyć ćwiczenia

Chodzisz do domu You walk home Genitive
Idziemy do domu We are going home Genitive
Chodzisz do szkoły? Do you go to school? Genitive
Idę do szkoły I am walking to school Genitive
Mówicie po angielsku You talk in English Dative
Te kobiety mówią po polsku These women speak Polish Dative
Widzicie tamte zwierzęta? Do you see those animals? Accusative Plural
Widzę kanapkę I see a sandwich Accusative Singular
Mężczyźni widzą psy The men see dogs Accusative Plural
Widzę psa i kota I see a dog and a cat Accusative Singular
Czy kochasz tego mężczyznę? Do you love this man? Accusative Singular
Czy kochasz tę kobietę? Do you love this woman? Accusative Singular
Tamte dzieci kochają zwierzęta Those children love animals Accusative Singular
Kochamy owoce We love fruit Accusative Plural
Kochasz koty You love cats Accusative Plural
Kocham jedzenie I love food Accusative Singular
Nowi mężczyźni znają tamtą kobietę The new men know that woman Accusative Singular
Znamy to We know it Accusative Singular
Oni znają tego kota They know this cat Accusative Singular (animate masculine)
Czy znasz tamtą kobietę? Do you know that woman? Accusative Singular
To dziecko zna tego mężczyznę This child knows that man Accusative Singular
Piszę książkę I am writing a book Accusative Singular
Ty piszesz list po polsku You are writing a letter in Polish Accusative Singular
Słyszysz tego konia? Do you hear this horse? Accusative Singular (animate masculine)
Chłopiec słyszy kobietę The boy hears a woman Accusative Singular
Słyszę tego mężczyznę I hear this man Accusative Singular (animate masculine)
Słyszycie tamtego mężczyznę? Do you hear that man? Accusative Singular
On słyszy głosy He hears voices Accusative Plural
Czy ja słyszę kota? Am I hearing a cat? Accusative Singular